The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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| Colorado Utilities
| Disk Manager
| (CUDM)
| Version 3.1
| Copyright 1988, 1989
| Micro System Solutions
| Author: Fred C. Hill
I have owned microcomputers of one brand or another since 1982, and
during that time have accumulated a great deal of software. I also
discovered the archive systems from SEA, PKWARE and others and have
used these products to significantly reduce the number of diskettes
required to store the thousands of files. While the archive
systems have reduced the cost of storing my collection of software
and data, I have still managed to accumulate about 400 diskettes.
The problem now is not "How do I store all this stuff?" but more
like "Now that I have it, how do I find anything?". To solve that
problem I wrote CUDM, the Disk Manager.
CUDM will build a master catalog of all diskette and hard disk
files, list them in alphabetical order, and tell me at a glance
where my files are located. CUDM will read compression libraries
and include the individual files as well as the name of the library
from which they came. CUDM will also identify those files in the
master catalog which have identical filenames (not necessarily
When I completed the first pre-release version of CUDM and used it
to create my own master catalog I was shocked to find that almost
30% of my diskette storage was taken up by duplicate files,
duplicate archives, and more than 5 backups of my MS-DOS diskettes.
It was great to be able to erase files instead of searching for
diskette space to store them (which by the way CUDM will enable you
to do).
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send
a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Technical support is available from:
Micro System Solutions (MSS)
5417 S. Cimarron Road
Littleton, CO 80123
Call: 1-(800) 421-1789 or (303) 795-7653
9 AM - 4 PM MST Mon-Fri
The technical support line is available to those who have the fully
registered version of CUDM. As a registered user, you will be
notified when updates to CUDM or new products are available. You
have received the latest version of CUDM and its documentation.
Anyone wishing to offer advice and suggestions is most welcome to
do so. Anyone having access to Compuserve can leave a message for
MSS in either BPROGA or IBMSYS forum. Our Compuserve PPN is
CUDM is provided on an `as is' basis. Any damages arising from the
use of this program are entirely the responsibility of the user.
Neither Micro System Solutions nor the author, Fred C. Hill, can
be held responsible for any damages.
With respect to the physical diskette provided with the registered
version, Micro System Solutions warrants the same to be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from
the date of purchase. In the event of notification within the
warranty period of defects in material or workmanship, MSS will
replace the defective diskette. Please call to obtain a return
authorization prior to returning your diskette. The remedy for
breach of this warranty shall be limited to replacement and shall
not encompass any other damages, including but not limited to loss
of profit, and special, incidental, consequential, or other similar
Thank you for using CUDM
The Colorado Utilities Disk Manager (CUDM) is designed to allow you
to manage thousands of disk files from both diskettes and your hard
disk. It creates a master catalog of files, libraries, and volumes
and allows you to add up to 60 bytes of comments per entry, if you
so desire. CUDM also provides you with the capability to catalog
sub-directories. You can label diskettes as you catalog them, and
you can also print a diskette cover listing volume contents.
With CUDM you will be able to locate any file on any diskette or
hard disk in seconds. You will be able to find and eliminate
duplicate files across all types of disk storage and manage your
free disk space to use fewer diskettes. CUDM's Catalog Status
Screen, visible during most operations, shows you such important
facts as the number of volumes, libraries, and files in your
catalog; how much space has been used and how much space is
available across all your cataloged volumes.
You can update previously cataloged entries or delete entries. You
can sort entries or change the way entries are listed. You can
even do string searches, wild card searches, or `sounds-like'
searches to find specific entries. You can finally get a handle
on all those files!
CUDM 3.1 offers two different versions, the difference being the
number of catalog entries that can be recorded and managed. First,
any version allows you an unlimited number of catalogs. However,
you can only manage one at a time, and there is no cross-
referencing among catalogs, although conversion programs are
available. CUDM-RM is the Regular Memory version and allows you
to catalog over 4000 files. CUDM-VM is the Virtual Memory version
which manages up to 300,000 files per catalog.
CUDM has three files which must be available in the DOS path while
CUDM is executing. These files are 'CUDM.EXE', and CUDM.HLP, and
CUDMCNTX.HLP. If internal help is not required the two 'HLP' files
need not be present.
Create a subdirectory for CUDM and its files by entering "CD\cudm"
and pressing the <Enter> key. You may call the subdirectory
anything you wish. Move to the new subdirectory by entering
"MD\cudm" and pressing the <Enter> key. Install CUDM by placing the
distribution disk in the A: (or B:) drive and entering "A:CUDM31"
and pressing the <Enter> key. CUDM will be installed in the new
directory. Once installed, you must change your path command to
include the subdirectories CUDM is in or move the CUDM files to a
subdirectory already in the DOS path. An optional procedure for
execution would be to always execute CUDM from its own directory.
CUDM is started from the DOS command line by the following:
C>CUDM [/2] [catalogfile]
- /2 (optional) Causes CUDM to open all files in a DOS
2.x unshared mode. If you use DOS 2.x this option
is required.
- catalogfile (optional) is the name of the catalog
file to use. If catalogfile is omitted, the system
will use the default catalog name ("CATALOG").
The first time you execute CUDM, you will be prompted to answer the
* Catalog does not exist *
* Create [catalogfile]? [Y] *
If the catalogfile name is correct and you want to proceed with
creating the catalog, hit <ENTER>, otherwise hit N to abort the
The Regular Memory (RM) version of CUDM uses all available standard
memory for its catalog files and cannot be modified by the user.
The Virtual Memory (VM) version uses less standard memory, but
requires the user to set the estimated size of the catalogs prior
to file creation. CUDM-VM will show you a screen and allow you to
change the three main file capacities as follows:
range - low ........ high default
Volumes: 10 ........ 5,000 500
Libraries: 10 ........ 30,000 1,000
Files: 10 ........ 300,000 10,000
Comment and subdirectory catalog sizes are derived from these three
catalog sizes. Since comments are allowed on any entry in any of
the three main catalogs, sufficient file space is allocated to
store comments for all entries. The subdirectory count estimates
the unique subdirectory names found in the catalog and is
calculated at 5 percent of the total number of file records.
The disk space required for a catalog is roughly equal to the
estimated number of records times 64. Neither of the CUDM versions
makes any attempt to optimize disk usage. Before cataloging any
diskette files, be sure to further define your catalog feature
options discussed under MANAGING THE CATALOG.
CUDM.EXE is the program file and is required for successful CUDM
execution. The two help files(CUDM.HLP and CUDMCNTX.HLP) are
optional and if present will provide on-line help. When CUDM
creates a master catalog the following files result:
catalog.DAF - This file stores all file references.
catalog.DAL - Stores the compression libraries.
catalog.DAV - Stores the disk volumes names.
catalog.DAC - Stores all comments.
catalog.DAD - Stores the references to sub-directories.
CUDM allows you to create as many catalogs as you want. For each
catalog that you create, the five files listed above could result,
depending upon the options you choose for your catalog and the
types of files that you record.
CUDM.CFG - Created when you change any of the default printer
setting and color settings for CUDM.
catalog.KEP - Created when you turn the keep file subsystem on.
It contains the names of the files and wildcards to include in the
current catalog.
When you start CUDM, you will be presented the CUDM Status Screen.
This screen will be visible during many of the operations, since
CUDM uses pull-down menus. The top line of the screen contains the
Main Menu selections Catalog, List, Options, etc. To make your
selection, either place the cursor on the Menu selection and hit
<ENTER> or enter the first letter of the item. A short descriptor
appears in the upper left corner and tells you what function is
performed by the menu item on which the cursor is placed. The LIST
function is only accessible AFTER you have cataloged the first
diskette. The sections that follow in the manual will discuss the
functions of each of the Main Menu selections.
The Status Screen shows you the status of the Master Catalog that
is listed in the lower right corner of the screen. Catalog Drive,
in the lower left corner, tells you from which drive CUDM is
cataloging. Below, each of the fields shown on the Status Screen
is defined:
NUMBER OF VOLUMES - The total number of volumes (diskettes and
hard disk) that you have entered into the catalog. The next four
items relate to the Number of Volumes and are found to the right
of Number of Volumes on your screen.
Number Files - The total number of files contained on all
the volumes. For example, if you cataloged 10 volumes, each
containing 10 files, this value would be 100.
Space Used - The total amount of space used across volumes to
store the number of files shown.
Available - The total amount of unused or available space across
the volumes shown.
Total - The total amount of space accounted for in the
volumes shown.
DIRECTORIES - The number of directories (or sub-
directories) that you have cataloged. If you do not wish to record
directories, you can turn that feature off (see Managing the
Catalog) and the Status Screen will reflect a `disabled' status.
COMMENTS - The number of comments that you have entered for
your catalog entries. If you do not wish to record comments, you
can turn this feature off (see System Default Options) and the
Status Screen will reflect a `disabled' status.
LIBRARIES - The total number of compression libraries that you
have entered into the catalog. The next two items relate to
Libraries and are found to the right of the Libraries heading.
Number Files - The total number of files cataloged as a
result of cataloging all the libraries shown.
Space Used - The total amount of actual space used by the library
files on their volumes.
FILES - The total number of files entered in your catalog.
Space Used - The total amount of space that is or would be used
by the files shown. For library files that are compressed, this
total reflects the amount of space that those files would use if
they were not compressed.
AVAILABLE Files - The total number of file entries that you
can add to your catalog.
Libraries - The number of library entries that still can be
made in your catalog.
Volumes - The number of volume entries that still can be made
in your catalog.
Total - The total number of entries that you can still make
in your catalog.
MEMORY AVAILABLE - The total amount of memory still remaining
to accommodate system functions such as sorting.
As you add and manipulate catalog entries, these statistics will
When you select CATALOG from the Main Menu, you will see the
following pull-down menu on your screen:
* Add/Update *
* *
* Disk Drive A: *
* Catalog Name: CATALOG *
* Expand Libraries - On (Off) *
* Turn Keep Files - On (Off) *
* Keep File List *
* SubDirectories - On (Off) *
* Enable Comments - On (Off) *
* Interface Messages *
The lower items on the Catalog Menu show you the status of certain
catalog feature options. You can change these features by placing
the cursor on the item and hitting <ENTER>. Below are descriptions
of each of the features:
Disk Drive - This identifies the disk drive (floppy or hard)
from which you will be loading your catalog entries. The options
are A: through Z:.
Catalog Name: - This shows the name of your catalog. If
you have multiple catalogs, you can change to another catalog by
hitting <ENTER> on this item. CUDM will prompt you to enter the
name of the catalog you wish to load. When you have made an entry,
CUDM will save your changes and then load the new catalog.
Expand Libraries - When this feature is ON, CUDM will
decompress any libraries it finds and catalog the individual files
as well as the library. If the feature is OFF, only the library
itself will be reflected as a file on the volume.
Turn Keep Files - This feature, when ON, will cause CUDM to
compare each of the filenames (including those from compressed
libraries) against the Keep File List maintained with the next menu
item. Only those files which match will be included in the current
Keep File List - This selection will open the keep file
list and allow you to add, change or delete the filenames or DOS
wild cards in the list. A filename (ex. TPEDIT.PAS) will only
allow that file to be added, while a wild card (ex. TP*.PAS) will
be expanded to 'TP??????.PAS' and will allow any file with an
extension of PAS that begins with 'TP' to be added. Up to 16
entries may be maintained in the Keep File.
SubDirectories - This feature, when ON, will cause Sub-
Directories to be cataloged and maintained for files within the
catalog. If the feature is OFF, Sub-Directories will not be
cataloged or referenced.
Enable Comments - This feature, when ON, allows you to enter
up to 60 bytes of comments for any catalog entry. If the feature
is OFF, you can not enter any comments, nor can you retrieve any
previously entered comments.
Interface Messages - This feature allows you to turn off some
of the prompts encountered while cataloging files. This will save
time and for some is unnecessary repetition. The selections are
discussed below.
Request Name Chg - When this is YES, you will be prompted
with the Volume Change Name screen, shown on page 13. Set it to
NO by hitting <ENTER>, and CUDM will bypass the prompt.
Request Disk Load - When this is YES, you will be prompted to
enter a disk in drive A: (or whatever disk drive you have assigned)
for each diskette as described in ADD/UPDATE CATALOG ENTRIES below.
You can set it to NO by hitting <ENTER>, and you will not receive
the prompt. If you are cataloging a hard drive this prompt will
be suppressed automatically.
Save Each Disk - When this is YES, CUDM, after loading each
disk, will sort the catalog entries and save the catalog to disk.
When you set it to NO, by hitting <ENTER>, CUDM will not sort and
save the catalog entries until you reset the feature to YES or
complete the catalog function and move to another function.
You should set these feature options prior to cataloging any files.
Some of these options may be changed from one session to the next,
such as the disk drive, or expand libraries. If you want to use
sub-directories, that feature should be turned ON and remain ON
through follow-on sessions. If the feature is OFF, and your disks
contain sub-directories, they will be ignored (however, the files
will be cataloged). When the feature is ON and your catalog
contains sub-directories, when you subsequently turn the feature
OFF, your cataloged sub-directories will not be accessed by CUDM.
If you do an update with sub-directories turned OFF, any sub-
directories previously entered will be lost. The same holds true
with comments.
After you have set your catalog feature options, you are ready to
build your catalog. To add files to your catalog, place the cursor
on Add/Update and hit <ENTER>. If you are cataloging diskette
files, you will be prompted to:
Place the diskette you wish to catalog (or update) into your
diskette drive and hit <ENTER>.
If the volume has not been previously cataloged, the following
message will appear:
* Volume is [vol-name] *
* Change Name? [N] *
If you do not wish to change the volume label, hit <ENTER> (or N)
and the volume will be cataloged. If you want to change the volume
name, key Y and the following message will appear:
Key in the volume name and hit <ENTER>.
If the volume doesn't have a label, you will be asked to enter one.
update it by presenting the following message:
* Volume ARC_0001 exists *
* Update? [N] *
If you do NOT want to update, press <Enter>. Otherwise type in Y
and CUDM will add or change catalog information to reflect the
current contents of the volume. Files and libraries that have been
removed from the disk since it was cataloged or last updated will
be removed from the catalog as well. If you have previously
entered comments for any entry, the comments will be maintained
after the update as long as the file/library continues to exist on
the disk.
When you have finished cataloging your disk files, you can then
view them by accessing the LIST Menu. LISTING THE CATALOG
The LIST functions allow you to review and manipulate the catalog
entries. The full catalog list provides the following information
for each file:
o Volume
o Library.Ext
o Filename.Ext
o Size
o Date (Last Updated)
o Time (Last Updated)
When the above information is showing on the screen, CUDM places
a "+" to the right of the catalog entry to indicate that a comment
is present. If you have enabled comments, they will appear on the
screen in the rightmost 40 - 60 characters of the catalog entry and
will overlay the Size, Date, and Time information. When the
comment exceeds the available screen characters, the information
will scroll to the left, showing up to 40 characters. We will
discuss how to enter comments and manipulate catalog entries later.
In addition to the above information, CUDM will list a "d" to the
right of any file record that is a duplicate file name. You can
change the information presented in the List by selecting the
Parameters Option from the LIST Menu (discussed below).
When you select LIST, the following Menu will appear:
* Entries *
* Duplicates *
* Volume Information *
* Imbedded Search *
* Soundex *
* Wild Card *
* Parameters *
The Menu Options are discussed below:
Entries - This allows you to select the catalog list for
Files, Libraries, or Volumes. A Sub-Menu will be presented for
you to make your list choice.
Duplicates - This allows you to list duplicate Files or
Libraries. A Sub-Menu will be presented for you to make your list
Volume Information - This allows you to list the volumes in
your catalog. When you make this selection, CUDM provides you with
a list of the volume names in the catalog. Select the volume you
wish to view and CUDM will give you the following information about
the volume: Volume Name, Date Created, Capacity, Space Used,
Freespace, Number of Files, and any Comment associated with the
volume. You will also be given a list of all the libraries and
files contained on the volume.
Imbedded Search - This allows you to search the Files,
Libraries, or Volumes entries for a specific string of characters.
After you select your entry type, you will be prompted to enter the
scan mask. CUDM will search the entry names for the string.
Soundex - This allows you to search the Files, Libraries,
or Volumes entries for any name that "sounds like" a name that you
enter. After you select your entry type, you will be prompted to
enter the scan mask. CUDM will search the entry names for anything
that equals or sounds like the scan mask. The search is done
against the ENTIRE entry name - it does not do a partial name
Wild Card - This allows you to use the DOS wild card search
technique against the Files, Libraries, or Volumes. After you
select your entry type, you will be prompted to enter a scan mask,
e.g., *.BAS or FILEABC.*. CUDM will search the entry names and
return any matches.
Parameters - This allows you to control the information that
is presented on the list. When you select Parameters, you will be
given the Sub-Menu shown below.
Parameters Menu:
* File/ext Split - On *
* Print Comments No *
* List Library Yes *
* Volume Yes *
* Size Yes *
* Time Yes *
* Comment No *
* Directory No *
The parameter options are as follows:
File/ext Split - When this feature is ON, file and library
names will be aligned on the period. For example, given two
filenames, TEXT.EXT and TESTFILE.EXT - when the split feature
is ON, the filenames would list as:
If the feature is OFF, they would list as:
Print Comments - When this feature is ON, comments will
print when a Print Selection is made. Comments will print beneath
the entry for which they have been made. When the feature is OFF,
the comments will not print.
List Library - Setting any of these features ON will cause
Volume that particular column to be displayed on the Size
list. If the feature is OFF, the column will Time not show on
the listing.
List Comment - Setting this feature ON will cause the comments
to be displayed in the rightmost 40 characters of an entry on the
screen. The comment will replace the Size and Time columns. You
will notice that when you turn Comment ON, Size and Time
automatically are set to OFF. When the List Comment feature is
OFF, comments will not automatically show on the listing. You can,
however, use the "Show Comment" feature discussed under
Manipulating the List (see below). This feature will not function
if Comments are disabled (see Managing the Catalog).
List Directory - Setting this feature ON will cause the
Sub-directory Name to be listed on the bottom line of the screen.
The name will change as you move the cursor to a new entry. When
the feature is OFF, the sub-directory name will not be displayed.
This feature will not function if Directories are disabled (see
Managing the Catalog).
When you have selected your entries and defined the information for
your list, you are then ready to manage the list or the catalog.
It is during this stage that you will add comments, identify
duplicates, erase files from the catalog, and plan for reorganizing
and optimizing your disk storage. A number of options are
available for you to manipulate the list to accomplish your goals.
When you are in a List, you can press F9 to get the following List
* Hide (Show) Comments *
* Remove (Undo Remove) Entry *
* *
* Print Selection *
* Compressed List *
* Diskette Cover *
* Labels *
* Export Selection *
Each of these menu items is discussed under its appropriate
operation on the following pages. If the cursor will not highlight
a particular option, that option is not applicable to the List
currently displayed. For example, Diskette Cover and Labels are
only appropriate when listing Volumes. When you are listing Files,
you cannot select either of those options.
When you are presented with a listing, whether it be one of
volumes, archives, files, or a DOS directory, you may move about
the list using the various cursor control keys on your keyboard.
They work as follows:
Up Arrow - Moves the cursor (or highlighted line) up one line.
If the cursor is already at the top of the screen then entries
will be scrolled down one line. (until the first entry is
displayed on the first line).
Down Arrow - Moves the cursor (or highlighted line) down one
line. If the cursor is already at the bottom of the screen then
entries will be scrolled up one line. (until the last entry is
displayed on the last line).
Page Up - Scrolls the displayed entries up one page of data.
On a standard mono or CGA screen this would be 18 lines. On an
EGA screen it would be 37 lines. Of course the total data
movement will depend on the number of data entries in the
Page Down - Scrolls the displayed entries down one page of data.
This operation is the exact opposite of the page up command.
Home - Returns the screen to the home or first page of
End - Displays the last page of data. This assumes there
is more than one page of data to be displayed.
Ctrl-PgUp - This key combination operates exactly like the Home
Ctrl-PgDn - This key combination operates exactly like the End
Esc - The <Esc> key will always cancel the current
operation and in most case back you out of the operation. Once
you reach the inactive screen the <Esc> key will return you to
the main menu and back to the inactive screen.
You can also use a mouse with CUDM. If you have a mouse connected
to your system, you will notice the mouse cursor on your screen.
To use the mouse, place the cursor on the menu item that you want
to select and press the left button. If you want to escape the
menu, press the right button. If you want to access the Help
window for the particular function, press both buttons. When you
are in a list window, you can scroll through the list, forward or
backward, by placing the cursor on the scroll bar to the right of
your screen and pressing the left button. If you place the cursor
at the top of the line, you will move to the top entry in the list.
If you place the cursor in the middle of the line, you will move
to a middle entry in the list. If you place the cursor at the
bottom of the line, you will move to the last entry in the list,
and so on. A scroll box will remain on the line to mark the place
you last selected.
To delete an entry from the catalog (list), place the cursor on the
entry and press the F5 function key. You will notice that the
entry line changes color (or shading if you have a monochrome
monitor). When you move the cursor off the deleted entry, the
color will change again, so that you can always see the deleted
entries. If you wish to undo the delete, simply repeat the
operation just described. The selected entries will actually be
deleted when you exit the LIST session. If you delete a volume or
library, the files on that volume or library are also deleted. You
can also delete/undelete an entry using the Remove Entry/Undo
As mentioned above, you can delete an entry by placing the cursor
bar on the entry, pressing F9, and selecting Remove Entry from the
Menu shown on page 17. When you press <ENTER>, the entry will
change in color or shading to let you know that the entry is to be
deleted. If you wish to reverse your action, press F9 again and
the menu will offer you the option to Undo Remove. When you press
<ENTER>, the entry will remain in the catalog.
If you remove a library or volume, the files that make up that
library or volume will also be removed. If you undo a remove on
a library or volume, all of the comprising files will be also be
restored to the catalog. Even if you undo a remove for a single
file on a removed volume, all files on the volume will be restored.
If you have Enabled Comments (see Managing the Catalog, page 10),
you can enter a comment for any or all entries. To enter the
comment, hit <ENTER> or function key F7, and you will see the
comment area highlighted. Key in your comment (up to 60
characters) and hit <ENTER>. If your comment is longer than the
40 characters on the screen, the comment will scroll to the left,
allowing you to continue entering characters to the right. If the
comment field is not showing on your screen, you will see a "+" to
the right of each entry which has a comment associated with it.
You can view the contents of any comment by hitting <ENTER> or F7.
To turn the comment off, just hit <ENTER> or F7 again.
The default mode for the display of comments is to HIDE them.
When the list is in the HIDE mode, you can look at an single
entry's comment by placing the cursor bar on that entry and hitting
<ENTER>. Hitting <ENTER> again will turn the comment off. If you
wish to see the comments for the entire list, press F9 and the menu
will offer you the option to SHOW comments. When comments are
showing, the menu will offer you the option to HIDE the comments.
You can print a given list of entries or you can write an ASCII
file to the default drive. To set the system default options for
your printer select Options from the Main Menu (see System Default
Options, page 21). To execute an output function, press F9 to get
the List Menu shown on page 17.
Place the cursor on Print Selection and hit <ENTER>. This option
will give you a normal print of all of the entries for which you
have selected the list,.e.g., Files, Volumes, or Libraries. If
comments are to be printed, they will print beneath the entry to
which they apply.
When you select Condense Print, CUDM will print two entries per
line when comments are not printed. When comments are to be
printed, it will print an entry with its comment on the same line.
Both lists use the condensed print feature of your Epson-compatible
This selection is applicable only to a Volume List. It allows you
to print a diskette cover that lists all files on the volume. The
diskette cover will fit inside the sleeve of a 5 1/4" diskette.
This selection is applicable only to a Volume List. It allows you
to print the names of files contained on the volume to one or more
one-up labels. The first label contains the volume name, the
number of DOS files on the volume (not the expanded file count),
the available space on the volume, and up to 40 file names. Any
additional labels will contain up to 70 file names. Information
is printed using the condensed print feature of your Epson-
compatible printer. The following menu is provided to select from:
* 1.5" X 4" *
* 5.25" 1.5" X 4.75" *
* 3.5" 2.75" X 2.75" *
* Enhance Header - No *
- 1.5" X 4" - This label is the most common size available
for 5.25" diskettes.
- 5.25" 1.5" X 4.75" This is the new Avery label (#4240) designed
for 5.25" diskettes.
- 3.5" 2.75" X 2.75" This is the Avery label (#4241) designed for
3.5" diskettes.
- Enhance Header If the feature is turned ON, the Volume and
Catalog Name will be printed full size while the remainder of
the label will be extremely small. Only 35 filenames will be
placed on the first label.
When you choose the Export Selection, CUDM writes the current entry
list in ASCII format to the drive and directory from which you are
The System Default Options, selected from the Main Menu (Options)
allow you to:
o change the colors used on any of the CUDM screens,
o set a beep to occur when menus appear and disappear, o
set upper and lower case letter sensitivity,
o establish sort sequences for your catalog lists,
o save your printer and color settings for follow-on
When you select Options, you will get the following Options Menu:
* Colors *
* Beep - Off *
* Upper/Lower Case (Upper Case) *
* Save Configuration *
* File Sort *
* Library Sort *
* Volume Sort *
This feature allows you to change the colors that CUDM uses for its
menus and windows. When you select Colors, you will get the
following Color Menu:
* Main Menu *
* Status Window *
* Alert Window *
* Request Window *
* List Window *
* List Submenu *
* Directory Window *
* Color Menu *
* Help Window *
* Set Default Colors *
* Set Monochrome *
This is a list of all the different menus and windows used by CUDM.
The Main Menu and the Status Window shown on page 8. The Alert
Window appears when CUDM is saving your changes. The Request
Window prompts you to enter data. The windows shown under
ADD/UPDATE CATALOG ENTRIES (page 13) are Request Windows. The List
Window is the actual catalog entry listing. The List Sub-Menu is
shown on page 17. The Directory Window results when you display
a DOS directory, as discussed on page 25. The Color Window is
shown above. The Help Window shows the help instructions discussed
on page 25. Set Default Colors allows you to reset the colors to
the original CUDM settings, and Set Monochrome allows you to adjust
settings for monochrome monitors.
Since each window or menu is different, each may have a different
subset of components for which you can change the color. Each of
the possible components is described below.
Frame - This is the outline surrounding a menu or window.
Header - This is the title or heading found at the top of a
menu or window.
Body - This is the remainder of the window or menu,
including the background and the text.
Statistics - These are the statistics or numbers that appear
and change on the Status Window. The headers that define the
statistics are considered part of the Body.
Selected Text - This is the line of text on which the cursor
is resting. It includes the text and the background.
Hilight - Each selectable menu item will have one letter that
is highlighted (often the first letter). That letter can be
entered to select the item in lieu of placing the cursor on the
Help - This is the descriptor that appears in the upper
left corner of the Status Screen.
Disabled - This is any menu item that you cannot select
because it is not applicable to the operation at hand.
Shadow - This is a background shadow used to emphasize a help
Deleted Entry - This is found on the List Menus and is an entry
that you have deleted from a catalog list. This entry is not
selected by the cursor.
Selctd-Deleted - This is found on the List Menus and is an entry
that you have deleted from a catalog list and the cursor is resting
on the specific entry.
When you select the List Window from the Color Menu shown above,
you will then be given the List Menu, as shown on page 14 (less
Parameters). You must then choose which type of List Window you
wish to change. Then, as with all other Color Menu choices, you
will be given the Color Window.
The Color Window will appear on the screen to the left of the Color
Menu and reflects the color scheme for the particular menu or
window that you have chosen. For example, if the body of the
chosen menu is black letters on a gray background with a red frame,
the Color Window will show the word "Body" in black on a gray color
strip. The word "Frame" would be in red on a gray color strip.
The default color selection in the Main Menu for Selected Text is
yellow letters on blue background.
The Color Window shows all the components of the particular window
or menu that can be changed. To change the background color strip,
press the PgUp or PgDn key. To change the color of the component,
press the Home or End key. When you have completed your color
selections, hit <ENTER>. Then call up the window or menu to see
how it looks.
Several of the windows and menus include the Help component, which
is the descriptor in the upper left corner of the Status Screen.
The Status Screen is visible when many of the windows or the menus
are on the screen. However, if you set the Help component of
another window or menu to colors other than those set for the
Status Screen, the Help Component will change when you initiate
that particular window or menu.
When this feature is ON, your computer will beep when pull-down
menus/windows appear and disappear. When the feature is OFF, all
is quiet.
This feature allows you to specify whether or not you want CUDM to
be sensitive to upper and lower case letters. If the setting is
Upper/Lower Case, CUDM will be sensitive to and show upper and
lower case letters when used in volume, library, and file names.
If the setting is Upper Case, all names will be shown in upper case
This allows you to save any color changes that you make. If you
are using the CUDM default color selections, you will not be able
to select this item. When you change those colors, you must select
this item if you want them saved for subsequent sessions.
You can establish the main sort field for each of the catalog lists
- File, Library, and Volume. Select the type list for which you
want to set the sort order (the default is the entry name). You
will be given a menu which lists the fields that show on the
particular list. The fields may include the Volume Name,
Library/Ext, Filename, Extension, Size, and Date. Place the cursor
on the field that you want the list to be sorted on and press
<ENTER>. The list will then be sorted in ascending order on that
When you select Utilities, you are given the following options:
* DOS Shell *
* Erase Catalog *
This allows you to make a temporary exit to DOS while CUDM is
executing. Simply place the cursor on DOS Shell and press ENTER.
To return to CUDM from DOS, enter EXIT.
This allows you to erase the entire contents of your master
catalog. The catalog name will remain intact. If you want to
erase all reference to the catalog, you must exit CUDM and use the
DOS ERASE command to erase all files related to catalogfile (the
name that you assigned to the catalog).
This allows you to view your DOS directories while running CUDM.
To accomplish this, select Directory from the Main Menu. You will
then be prompted to:
* Enter a filename mask *
If you press <ENTER> without entering a mask, you will get a
directory listing for the drive and directory on which you are
executing. You can place the cursor on any listed <dir>, and CUDM
will then show you a listing of that directory. If you wish, you
can enter the name of a specific directory (e.g., \pathname), or
you can enter a wild card parameter (e.g., *.da?).
The CUDM system has two help systems builtin. The one accessed from
the main menu is called the extended help system and is essentially
this document converted to an indexed disk file. The second is a
context-sensitive help system which is accessed by using the <F1>
key from anywhere in the system. It will provide you with a brief
tutorial of options available to you at that point in time. The
context-sensitive help system is not designed to replace this
documentation but to provide a quick interactive memory jog.
This menu option does just what it says. It terminates the program
and returns to DOS.
Thank you for using Colorado Utilities Disk Manager.
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Address:_______________________ Title:__________________________
City:______________________ State:________ Zip:___________
Telephone:_____________________ Home( ) Office ( )
Colorado Utilities Diskette Manager
Regular Memory Ver 3.1 (CUDM)
registration only $ 20.00 ________
registration plus
printed manual, telephone support,
one free product upgrade $ 37.00 ________
Virtual Memory Ver 3.1 (CUVM)
registration only $ 40.00 ________
registration plus
printed manual, telephone support,
one year free upgrades $ 57.00 ________
Shipping and Handling add: (per order) $ 5.00 ________
For overseas shipment add: (per order) $ 3.00 ________
Colorado customers add 3% state sales tax and
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